Display Features Marie-Claude Tremblay

As previously mentioned here, one of the mandates of our Guild is to reach out to our community through displays of our members’ work. This quarter’s display at Lions Gate Hospital’s palliative care facility is the work of our long time member Marie-Claude Tremblay.

In order to get to know her, I presented Marie-Claude with some questions to add to this post. Here are her responses.

  • How long have you been a member of North Shore Needle Arts Guild? I’ve been a member for 25+ years.
  • What drew you to the needle arts? I’ve been embroidering, crocheting and sewing since my teens. I love the idea of using threads & fabric to create something new.
  • What is your favoured needlework technique? My preference is surface embroidery & crewel.
  • If you could spend time with a famous person who would it be and why? Dame Judy Dench because of her love of theater and trees. 
  • Are there any other interests you would like to share?  I enjoy reading, listening to jazz and history which is why I’m a transcriber for Transcribimus. We transcribe the hand-written minutes of the Vancouver City Council and post on its website.

Here is a closer view of what’s on display.