What’s in a pocket?

Hello fellow stitchers! Are you enjoying the “dog days” of summer? Have you been itching to get some stitching done? This is just a little reminder not to let this time slip past too lazily. As members, you are aware that we have our Pick a Pocket exhibition opening October 16. There is still time to make a pocket (or two) before the end of September.

One of our members, Catherine, has been rummaging through her “not good enough to use but too good to throw out”  collection of samples and partly started pieces, taking the scissors to them and turning the best bits into pockets. “I don’t need to remind you pockets are the perfect size for a travel project, a beach project or a sitting-on-the-deck-in-the shade project” states Catherine. 

There are drop off locations if you won’t be at our September “in person” meeting or you can post them if that works best for you!  Catherine is the person to contact if you have any questions at [email protected]

And for those of you who enjoy going down the rabbit hole of research, Catherine offers the following about the phrase “dog days”. “Ancient Greeks noticed that the star Sirus—which they dubbed the “dog star” as it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major—appears to rise alongside the sun in late July. They believed the combined power of the stars is what made this the hottest time of year.  This period is referred  to as “days of the Dog Star” which has over time become “dog days”. And there you have it. Perhaps a pocket of stars is a possibility.

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