Boutis Specialist in Our Midst

Congratulations to Elizabeth Janzen, one of our members for receiving a remarkable honour. In recognition of her work in safeguarding “Boutis” as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of France, the Government of France and France Boutis have granted her the right and privilege to attach the official Intangible Heritage Emblem logo to her work. She is the first Canadian woman to receive this honour. The emblem allows her to use the logo to promote Boutis through workshops, exhibitions, publications and artistic creations, although she may not use it for commercial purposes.

This Rose Bleu is Elizabeth’s interpretation of the rose window from the southern transept of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris after the fire of 2019.

The Intangible Heritage Emblem logo symbolizes authenticity and quality, representing specific adherence defined by the Cultural Heritage Inventory. Elizabeth’s recognition underscores her embodiment of the purposes outlined in the UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage adopted on October 17, 2003. Her respect and commitment to understanding, practicing and passing along the art of Boutis, showcased through her expertise, teaching endeavours, and advocacy for French Boutis exemplifies why she was bestowed this honour.

Another example of Elizabeth’s work entitled The Colibri Garden.
One final example of the work by our own, Elizabeth Janzen, Boutis framed with traditional pojagi. Kudos to you Elizabeth!!

You can read more about Boutis here and on Elizabeth’s beautiful Boutis website here . Enjoy reading her blog Welcome to the World of Boutis. This is clear evidence why Elizabeth had been awarded this prestigious honour.

To find out more about UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, visit Wikipedia’s information here.

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