Whether you are photographing your work for entering the call to an exhibition, for your own records, for sharing with family and friends or posting on social media, you won’t want to miss this presentation by Catherine Nicholls. It will answer questions many of us have for achieving the very best results.
As a result of Catherine’s vast experience as an exhibiting artist, we will learn all the tricks and tips for showing your work to its best advantage. This is particularly relevant when submitting entries for an exhibit. It is likely that in today’s world jurying is being done from photographs. If those photographs are of poor quality, it is possible that beautiful work may be disqualified that might otherwise have been accepted.
Come and join us for an online session with Catherine, to learn some of those tricks and tips. Here are the details.
- Date: February 11, 2025
- Time: 10:00 a.m. PST for 1 hour of information plus ½ hour for Q & A
- Place: ZOOM Online
- Cost $10.00
Registration is now open. Any questions may be addressed to Bonnie Adie [email protected]
Payment may be made by:
- cash at Guild meeting to Babs Perowne
- e-Transfer to [email protected]
- by cheque payable to North Shore Needle Arts Guild and mailed to Babs Perowne, #1412 – 2016 Fullerton Avenue, North Vancouver, BC V7P 3E6
Please note: Once you have registered and paid there are no refunds. All instructions in our workshops are the intellectual property of the artist and are copyrighted material. They are for your own personal use and cannot be reproduced or shared without the written consent of the artist.
We welcome all who may be interested in improving photography of their work.